Why join the royals investment fund?

This student-managed investment fund provides real-world experience for students that will be utilized far beyond their time as a student. It brings classroom learning to life, challenges students to take ownership over decisions, and builds confidence in research, communication and analytical skills.

Whether it comes to writing long-reports, utilizing tools like FactSet, sharpening teamwork skills, bringing innovation to marketing efforts, or working directly with investors, being part of the Royals Investment Fund is a direct investment into your future.

Big takeaways come down to learning more of the fundamental details of investment management, how to communicate clearly within the team and to external partners and clients, and identifying what factors are important to key in on when researching companies. The Royals Investment Fund takes our textbook and classroom learning and puts it into practice.
— Nicholas Lee, Research Analyst Manager Alum

Looking to join the TEAM?

application process

  • Submit application form

  • Interview to follow (invitation only)

  • Final decision announced - Late April/Early May

The Royals Investment Fund is comprised of four teams.

  • Research Analysts

    • Recommend equity purchases based on intrinsic value

    • Support equity valuations with qualitative and quantitative analysis

    • Structure the portfolio to outperform the blended benchmark

    • Track the intrinsic valuation of the companies in our portfolio and watchlist to inform effective portfolio decisions

  • Client Relations

  • Operations & Risk Management

  • Marketing


  • Minimum GPA of 3.0

  • Full-time student

  • Available during Community Time every week (Tuesday & Thursday 1:20 PM - 2:10 PM)

Additional questions? Contact US